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Bananen cake

Banana cake

Bananas contain a number of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B6: A medium banana gives you about a quarter of the vitamin B6 you should get every day. It helps with...

Blueberry muffin

Facts about blueberries Blueberries contain a plant compound called anthocyanin. This gives blueberries both their blue color and many of their health benefits. Blueberries may help with heart health, bone...
Blauwe bessen muffin
Bosvruchten Cheesecake

Forest Fruit Cheesecake

Why soak nuts, seeds and grains? Soaking nuts, seeds and grains (making them moist) essentially replicates the perfect moist conditions necessary for germination. This process neutralizes the antinutrients and enzyme...

Chocolate Bar

Raw cocoa powder is very healthy. It has a beneficial effect on your cardiovascular system and can reduce stress. In addition, raw cocoa is a good source of minerals and...
Chocolade Bar